Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Stamping 411 and a Curtain Call

Hi Stamping Friends!

My double challenge card for today comes from Stamping 411 and Stacey's Stamping Stage.  So here's the sketch and the colors:

By looking at the colors, you would think I would have created a fall card.  But I just checked out my card rack at Goodies Cookies and I need to make a TON of birthday cards.  They sell better than anything else.  Fall is pretty, but birthday sells!  So here's what I came up with:

This was my first time inking up my Extreme Skateboard stamp.  I bought it because my husband and son love to skateboard.  Of course it was skateboarding like this that thrashed hubby's knees.  But who's worried about your knees when you're a teenager!  I thought these colors worked out great for a guy card.  Simple layout too, which is always what you want when you are creating cards for the male persuasion.  I also used the Extreme Elements set to add something to the background.  I TRIED to use my Color Spritzer tool on the main image, but I think I'm Spritzer impaired. 

So I consider this double challenge a success!  If you know of any SUO challenges out there that I'm missing... let me know!  I'm off to teach the 4yo all about the letter U. 

Extreme Skateboard  #115179  $8.95

Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Stamping!


  1. Krystal, this is great! Love the colors for a masculine card, too. BTW, good hint about B-day cards being the best sellers. ;-)

  2. So ironic...I have the Extreme Skateboarder that has yet to meet an ink pad:) Thanks for inspiring me to ink it up with your fun, masculine card! Thanks so much for playing the Curtain Call this week!

  3. Very cool card!!! You hardly ever see guy cards, and yours is fantastic! I poked around your blog, too... I sure wish I had sooner, I probably would have bought the 3-D cake die - lol! You have a great blog!


  4. Wow, this is great, Krystal! Love your colours, love the stamp sets used!! Aren't those Extreme sets awesome?

  5. Too cute!! Thanks for playing along this week!!

  6. Very nice manly card. I too didn't do a fall card, I am kind of over it! :) And I know what you mean about Birthday cards selling the best!
