Tuesday, January 18, 2011

ColourQ #68

Hi Stamping Friends!!
It's Tuesday and that means time for another color challenge over at the ColourQ blog!  Now Arielle knows I love her dearly, but I have to say, I did not take kindly to the colors this week.  They were giving me fits I tell ya!  I made one card, and it was so horrible, that it should be posted on the Stampers Fail blog.  If there were such a thing.  Lucky for you I decided to stamp an entire new card.


The card title is a little deceiving, since there are no cupcakes on this card.  But that balloon stamp in the Crazy For Cupcakes set is just so cute, I can't stop using it!!  These colors really aren't that bad.  The part that kept throwing me off were the two, very different shades of red.  But I think I made them work. 

The card base is Poppy Parade layered with Whisper White cardstock.  The So Saffron DSP comes from the Playdate pack and the polka dotted Always Artichoke DSP come from the Patterns pack.  The Poppy Parade polka dotted balloon was made by stamping the Dot, Dot, Dot stamp with Poppy Parade ink onto Poppy Parade cardstock.  I love me some polka dots!!  The sentiment comes from the Teeny Tiny Wishes set.

Other challenges I used:
Sketch Challenge:  Clean and Simple  FTL123
Inspiration Challenge:  Stampin' Celebration  SCIC35  If you read this post before noon PST, there is still time to win some BLOG CANDY over at the Stampin' Celebration blog.  Hurry on over and check it out!

Now I know you are all just dying to see "the ugliest challenge card ever made".  Well, I don't want to disappoint you.  In fact, I hope it makes you feel more confident in your stamping abilities.  'Cause seriously, my 12yo DD could stamp better than this!


It's so ugly that I made it the smallest size possible.  I don't want you to hurt yourself looking at it.  I know what you are thinking, "What was she trying to do?!"  Well let me tell you.  My dear friend and ColourQ color challenge creator extraordinaire, Arielle (the snappy stamper), is on like 7 million design teams.  Well, it's always kind of fun to help support the other challenge blogs out there, so I chose to use the sketch at Unscripted Sketches, one of the DT's that Arielle is on.  This week, they have a "piggyback" challenge to go with their sketch, and it is to make a guy card.  Well I can do that, I says to myself.  And so I began.  I had a sketch, I had my colors, and I had a theme.  And then I had a train wreck and the results are this card, destined for the round file or my FIL.  So that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

Be sure and stop by the ColourQ blog this week.  There are some really fabulous cards by the other Design Team members.  Go look at Sylvia Nelson's card.  It is amazing!!  Best card I've ever seen using the new Build A Blossom set.  I hope you can play along with us this week.  I know you can stamp something more wonderful than what I did!

Tomorrow I will have another digital scrapbook page for you, using My Digital Studio.  Fortunately for you, I did not attempt to use these colors again.  :)

Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Stamping!


  1. Krystal, you are so funny.....I very much like your "new" card....it is SO my style!!! I agree, these colors were challenging!!!

  2. Thanks for the shout out Krystal! I love your new card and I liked your old card. what else can I say! Try the color combo again, when you are not stressed to getting a card made! Hugs! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  3. They were definitely rough colors! But your card is super cute!!

  4. So funny! You did a great job with the colors. The card looks so fun and happy which I love to see on a birthday card!

  5. hEEHee - sorry babe - your card is FABULOUS though! Did you realize your blog colors are almost identical to the challenge colors, except for the green? LOL! Thanks for putting up with me, I love you too!

  6. You are too funny! I think it's cute, although you're right the Artichoke would throw it into the fall category.

  7. Krystal, that was too funny, but I'll bet I have even uglier ones that will never see the light of day!

    You really rocked the colors on the first card. Mind if I CASE that one?

  8. Oh, Krystal! Your cards are great, even if you don't like them :) I am sure your FIL will like it just fine!!

  9. Such a great card. I love the colors!

  10. Great card Krystal-perfect use of the colors!! Every once in a while we all have one of "those" cards!! Love this one though!!

  11. The ballons are perfect. Love the card!

  12. I think we all have cards that aren't up to par! Your card did turn out cute!
