Thursday, March 24, 2011

Stampin' Celebration Inspiration Challenge #45

Hi Stamping Friends!!
Well, I'm sorry to say that I still don't have any stamping goodness to share with you today.  But I did want to share the gorgeous inspiration picture from the Stampin' Celebration Inspiration Challenge this week.  I hope you have a chance to play along with us!  If anything, you need to stop by and check out what our fabulous DT has created.  The are a talented bunch of stampers!

I think I figured out the reason my mojo has joined Elvis and left the building.  I've had the chills and achiness and a headache for the last three days.  Not feeling like myself at all.  I've been trying to take it super easy.   I really don't need to get sick!!  Our 5yo has strep and is on antibiotics.  There is just too much yuck being spread out there!!  Here's hoping next week will be a better week.

Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Stamping!


  1. Hope you are feeling better soon! Sending lots of stamping mojo your way :-)

  2. Take care of yourself sweetie. Hope you and all your family are well soon!
