Saturday, March 29, 2014

Saturday Stamping Super Hero #2

Hi Stamping Friends!!

It's Saturday which means it's time for another edition of:

This stamper is someone that I have CASED dozens of times. I absolutely LOVE her style. She creates simple, yet stylish cards that always have just the right amount of embellishments on them. Her name is Amy O'neill. Here are a couple of samples from her blog:

Here is a link to her blog:  AMY'S PAPER CRAFTS

And here is a link to her Pinterest boards: AMY O'NEILL

I haven't been able to find a Facebook page for her. Which is such a bummer, since that is my go-to social media place. But at the very least, go check out her blog and be inspired.

If you love Facebook as much as I do and want to see all of your favorite stamping Facebook pages all at once with the click of a button, here is a link to an awesome tutorial from Robin Merriman:

Check it out. It's a super easy tutorial to follow and will you actually see all of your FB fan pages. Facebook has some weird algorithm where they try and figure out what pages you like. By this they determine what shows up in your news feed. If you do not click "like" or make comments on posts, they will NOT show up in your news feed. So creating an "interest group" is a great way to see your favorite pages.

Of course if you just click "like" or comment on every post I make on my Krystal's Cards Facebook page, it wouldn't be an issue. ;)

Here is a link to my Facebook page:  KRYSTAL'S CARDS - STAMPIN UP!

And my Pinterest boards:  KRYSTAL'S CARDS 

Don't forget!!! Sale-A-Bration ends March 31st. That is this MONDAY!!!

Visit my online store to get your FREE products with every $50 purchase:

Thanks for stopping by!
I hope you have a super awesome weekend and that you make time to STAMP!!!

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