Saturday, March 14, 2015

Stampin' Up! Espress Yourself Meets That's the Ticket

Good Saturday Morning Stamping Friends!!

I know it's not Wayback Wednesday or Throwback Thursday or even Flashback Friday, but I have an invite that I originally created in 2009 to share with you today. This is the updated 2015 version:

Stamps: Espress Yourself, That's the Ticket
Paper: Pretty in Pink (retired), Creamy Caramel (retired) Chocolate Chip, Coastal Cabana, Whisper White, Pretty in Pink DSP (retired),
Accessories: Cupcake Builder Punch, Itty Bitty Heart Punch, Duo Ticket Punch, Candy Dots, Decorative Dots EF, ribbon unknown

 This is the original 2009 prototype:

Back in 2009, a friend of my had called and said she wanted to have a "first day of school" coffee time for mom's after they dropped their kids off at school. Could I make 20 invitations? Well of course I could!!! So I borrowed the Espress Yourself stamp set from sister to stick with the coffee theme.

It's a fun pocket invite where you pull the info card out of the pocket. I was going to print the "back to the grind" sentiment on my computer. I thought that was a cute sentiment about going back to school and coffee. Anywhoo... I don't exactly remember why, but my friend decided not to have the party and I was stuck with 20 half-finished invites. 

Fast forward to 2014 and we are packing up to move after living in our house for 15 years. My office/homeschool/craft room was only 9x9 in size, but I had it so organized that I packed all kinds of wonderful treasures in there. These invites being one of them. I just couldn't throw them out, so I packed them up and moved them to Oceanside.

I've been wanting to invite the ladies from my "hood" over to stamp cards, so I came up with Cupcakes, Coffee, and Cardmaking. It was only after I came up with the name that I remembered I had these invites. Perfect!!! I just needed to add a cupcake to stick with the theme. I think the addition of Coastal Cabana adds a much needed punch of color.

It was fun to find these and finally be able to use them. It was a little like walking down Stampin' Up! memory lane. Pretty in Pink?! Creamy Caramel?! I love that Stampin' Up! continues to change and add colors and designs. They are always trying to stay fresh with the new trends and I appreciate that. In fact, I can't wait to see what the newest In-Colors will be in June!!

On a side note, I never did return my sister's stamp set. And now it is packed up in a box somewhere with all my other retired stamps. In fact, I had to google the name of it because I had no idea what it's name was. :)

Do you have any favorite stamp sets from the past that you still use? Or are you like me and always want to get the latest and greatest? :)

If you want to see more pictures of this invite renovation, go visit my Facebook page. I'm only 7 "likes" away from 200. When we hit the 200 mark I will give a special giveaway. So stop by and have fun stamping with me!!

Hope you all have an awesome weekend. We are hoping to have a little beach time today. And hopefully some stamp time too. ;)

Thanks for stopping by!

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