Saturday, October 18, 2008

Inspiration Challenge 150

I made two cards today for the Inspiration Challenge 150 at Splitcoaststampers. The challenge piece Stef gave us was the Etsy Store of the artist Joom. There are some very beautiful organic pillows and whimsical prints. I just bought my first set of non-SU! stamps and I wanted to use them, since so many of Joom's pieces incorporate birds. They are the beautiful stamps from Our Daily Bread Designs. I love their Christian sentiments and Bible verses. I want to start a Card/Encouragement Ministry at our church, so that was my justification for buying them. But do I really need to justify buying stamps?!

I also pulled out a retired set from SU! called Such A Tweet. I bought this set off of "the Bay", for some Bridal Shower invites I did a couple years ago. I think it's so cute! I can't part with it. Though I rarely keep anything that is not in the current catalog, since I am trying to make this more than just a hobby! I used my Blender Pens and re-inkers to make markers of the current In-Colors, to color this stamp. It worked great!

If you want more details, check out my gallery at Splitcoast.
Thanks for stopping by!
Have a great stamping day!

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