Friday, September 25, 2009

More Mission Cards

Hi Stamping Friends!

Juat thought I'd do a quick post of another set of the cards I'm making to raise funds for my mission trip.  These are the Birthday Girl set.  Same layouts as the boy set, just more girly! 

And I can't leave you without showing you another Christmas Jingle card!  Be sure to mail in your payment by Oct. 1st to take advantage of the Early Bird Special! 
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Stamping!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. They are all amazing, the colours look gorjuss on teh girlie ones
    Love the Christmas one too, even though my colour taste is non traditional, this looks so smart

    Good luck with your mission

    mandi xx

  3. These are all AWESOME! I love what you did with the Priceless set! You rock, Krystal!

    xo B.
