Thursday, September 16, 2010

Stampin' Celebration Inspiration Challenge #20

Hi Stamping Friends!!

It's Thursday and that means it time for another fabulous challenge over at the Stampin' Celebration Inspiration Challenge.  This is SCIC20.  I can't believe we are on our 20th challenge already!!  This week we are celebrating the birthday of one of our Design Team member, Candace.  Happy Birthday Candace!!!  I love the inspiration photos Candace picked out.  For some reason they remind me of Breakfast With Tiffany and Audrey Hepburn.  They are just so fun and girly.  Too bad I didn't have a card to go with them!!!  The good ole desktop is in the shop abd until I get it back, you won't see much stamping projects from me.  It's just too hard to use the sons laptop to get it all done.  So I apologize for not being able to inspire you, but don't let that stop you from playing along!!  Stop by the Stampin' Celebration Inspiration Challenge and see the wonderful creations the Design Team has made.  You'll love them!!

Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Stamping!

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