Friday, February 24, 2012

Psalm 8 For Real Friday

Hi Stamping Friends!

3 When I consider your heavens,
   the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
   which you have set in place,
4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
   human beings that you care for them?
Psalm 8:3-4


Stamps: Clearly For You
Paper: Blushing Bride, Soft Suede, Very Vanilla, Beau Chateau DSP
Accessories: Crochet Lace, Pleated Satin Ribbon, Pearls, Perfect Pennants die, Decorative Label Punch, Oval Punch, Baja Seam Binding, Twitterpated Buttons, Finial Press EF

I almost printed out Psalm 8 in it's entirety, because I love the whole chapter. It was difficult to choose which verses to focus on. Verse 5 says, "You crowned them with glory and honor." So I just had to have a crown on my card! :)  And verse 8 mentions the "birds in the sky", which is why I chose the darling little birds on a wire. Love this stamp set. Can't believe I waited this long to get it!!

I love what Wendy Pope shared with us this week in her online Psalms Bible Study.
Here's a bit from Tuesday's study:
"There is nothing we can do to lose or add to our worth in the eyes of God. No sin, no mistakes, and no failures change how God feels about us. We have worth because we are created in His image. Determining our worth by anything other than the truth of what God's Word says about us discounts the greatness of God's creativity and reduces the significance of the sacrifice of His Son."

And here is a piece from Thursday's study:
"When we learn to live in the extent of our worth in Christ instead of in response to our feelings, we experience victory. The greatness of God's creativity is illumined and the significance of Christ's death on the cross touches our hearts in a new way."

It is amazing to think that the God of the universe loves us so much, that He created us in His image. We are His masterpiece. His final creation. Each one of us is valued by God. In the 5th -8th grade Sunday School class that I teach, our virtue for the month of February is Honor—Letting someone know you see how valuable they really are. Here is a little bit of what our 252 Basics says about honor:

"Every person has value, not because of what they do, but because each and every person has been put together by God. When God created people, He made them in His image. That means every person alive today has been put together in the likeness of God. So every person has value. And it’s our job to help everyone feel like they are valuable. Jesus showed other people how valuable they really were by spending time with them. He ate dinner with people who usually ate alone. He served people who were used to doing the serving. He paid attention to people who normally didn't get a lot of attention. If Jesus thought it was important to honor everyone, then we should follow His example."

I read a blog post on Ash Wednesday by Karen Ehman titled: Don't Give Up Something For Lent. In a nutshell, she says how maybe we shouldn't "give up" something for Lent, maybe we should "take on" something during Lent. Like work in a soup kitchen, or help a hurting soul. She plans on writing a note of encouragement or thanks to someone each day during Lent. Now this is something near and dear to my heart!! And what better way to show someone how valuable they are to you, than by sending them a handwritten note. And it would be even more special if that note were written inside a beautiful, unique, handmade card. :) I've sent out two cards already. I look forward to see who God puts on my heart to send a card to next.

Make sure you check out my next post for today. I'm participating in the Stampin' Addicts 3rd Anniversary Party Blog Hop. I hope you will hop with us!!

Thanks for stopping by!
I pray you've been blessed!

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